A Collaborative, Sophisticated Approach to Accredited Continuing Education
Partnering with the Academy means you have a group of experts on your team whose focus is providing impactful education in the evolving world of continuing education.
History and Background
The American Academy of CME, Inc. (Academy), headquartered in Jackson, NJ, was founded in 2001 by a nurse and a pharmacist.
The Academy is an independent, not-for-profit education foundation. Both on our own and in collaboration with accredited and non-accredited continuing education companies, healthcare professional associations, foundations, and other organizations, the Academy provides accredited continuing education (CE) interventions to healthcare professionals and teams including physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants/associates, nurses, pharmacists, dentists and other team members.
The mission of the American Academy of CME, Inc. (Academy)—a not-for-profit educational foundation—is to improve patient health by adding value to healthcare professionals and healthcare teams through our accredited continuing education offerings.
We achieve our mission by holding true to our core values:
Philosophy on Collaborations
The Academy accepts requests to partner with other organizations—including continuing education companies, healthcare professional associations, governmental agencies, foundations, and publishers. We take a collaborative approach to program planning, implementation, and evaluation with the goal of forming truly successful partnerships with our education partners.
Additionally, the Academy requires a potential education partner to complete and submit Academy Policy 2.1 – Potential Educational Partner Attestation Form in order to document the organization’s corporate structure, mission, organizational chart (incorporating the staff’s reporting structure), and relationships with any parent/sister organizations (if any). This document enables us to establish that the potential partner is not an ineligible company (a joint provider may not be an ineligible company). An ineligible company is defined as an organization “whose primary business is producing, marketing, selling, re-selling, or distributing healthcare products used by or on patients.” Submission of this form is the first step in the process of potential collaboration.
Joint Accreditation
The Academy is also a Provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing (BRN Provider # CEP16993).
The Academy is an independent, not-for-profit, education foundation. Both on our own and in collaboration with accredited and non-accredited continuing education companies, healthcare professional associations, foundations, and other organizations, the
Academy provides accredited continuing education (CE) to the healthcare team and its
members…Read More
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