
” This educational activity is jointly provided by American Academy of CME, Inc. and Cornerstone Medical Education, LLC. “

” This activity is supported through an independent educational grant from American Regent “

Lee Shulman, MD

Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Northwestern University
Feinberg School of Medicine
Chicago, Illinois

Activity Overview

This educational activity is targeted to obstetricians, gynecologists, gynecologic surgeons, and the interprofessional women’s health care team of nurses, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and pharmacists. Designed as a dynamic and engaging, microburst, whiteboard-animated webinar series hosted on EpocratesCME, which can be viewed sequentially and/or as standalone units for learner convenience, this educational initiative will offer attendees a comprehensive appraisal of iron deficiency anemia (IDA) as a highly prevalent disease state in women’s health, with emphasis on dysfunctional uterine bleeding, pregnancy, and post-partum hemorrhage (PPH) as common etiologies, and including a circumscription of the patient-centric burden of illness, multifaceted clinical presentation, and consequent clinical ramifications.
Expert faculty will also provide a deep dive into the evolving clinical trial evidentiary base for intravenous (IV) iron, with emphasis on next-generation products and the rationale for their preferential clinical utility in women’s health relative to oral iron and/or older IV iron agents. The final installment is designed as a real-world practicum and will focus on practical aspects of implementing next-generation IV iron into the OB/GYN clinic, as well as the fundaments of designing individualized treatment plans for DUB-associated IDA on an evidence-basis.
Each webinar will be bolstered by an innovative whiteboard animation that emphasizes and illustrates key teaching points for optimal learner engagement, knowledge retention, and sustained practice improvement.